Mapping of in-Field Cotton Fiber Quality Utilizing John Deere Harvest Identification System

Thursday, January 9, 2020: 1:30 PM
401 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Luke McLeod Fuhrer , University of Georgia
Wesley M Porter , Assistant Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Glen C. Rains , University of Georgia
John L. Snider , University of Georgia
Edward M. Barnes , Cotton Incorporated
The option of having John Deere’s Harvest Identification (HID), installed on roller pickers such as the CP 7760 or CP 690 provides the cotton industry with the ability to access even more integration of technology. With this system, four Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags with predesignated serial numbers are incorporated into the module wrap. Each of these tags are imbedded with 18 different data points about that specific module. The integration of RFID use could add several benefits including the decrease of required in field labor, more efficient tracking of modules, and better on-farm decisions through more in-depth knowledge of the grower’s fields. With the HID system there is a decrease in labor cost and mitigation of error compared to using the traditional methods of spray painted numbers or wire tags on modules. Each module is assigned a unique serial number and could allow for a seamless flow of data to and from the gin, if this serial number is referenced by all parties handling the module from the field through the ginning process. This is initiated by using the onboard GPS from the growers’ machines and continued if strategically located RFID scanners are in place at the ginning location. Lastly, growers will have more knowledge of their own fields due to the in-depth tracking of each module. Growers have the ability to link bale AMS classification data back to a specific module and then link this module back to the location it was created from the field. These data can then be utilized to develop module level fiber quality maps for site specific management of the crop for increasing both yield and quality. The main goal of this project is to develop module level fiber quality maps and educate producers on their importance.