Challenges in Working with Corynespora Cassiicola, in Order to Develop Phenotyping Protocols

Thursday, January 10, 2019: 10:45 AM
Galerie 1 (New Orleans Marriott)
Jenny Koebernick , Auburn University
Carly Moore , Auburn University
Kira L. Bowen , Auburn University
Austin Hagan , Auburn University
Target spot (Corynespora cassiicola) causes significant economic damage in cotton grown in the southeast. At present, the only varieties that have been screened for the disease are commercial cultivars. Therefore, it is imperative to develop an effective and reliable screening protocol to phenotype germplasm in controlled environments. Preliminary experiments have determined that using a mist system on the first true leaf stage is favored. This presentation will address the collaboration between pathology and breeding, and the challenges working with this fungus.