Screening Cotton Germplasm for Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Georgia

Wednesday, January 9, 2019: 4:05 PM
Galerie 2 (New Orleans Marriott)
Edward Beasley , UGA
Peng Chee , University of Georgia
Robert C. Kemerait , University of Georgia
Nelson Dias Suassuna , Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA
Host plant resistance is an cost effective and environmentally friendly means for managing many diseases. In 2018, a five acres nursery was established near Brookfield, GA to test cotton germplasm for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov). The experiment consisted of four replications of 430 germplasm lines evaluated with and without a Telone nematicide treatment to determine Fov resistance within and without the presence of nematodes. With sting nematodes being present in the field as well as Fov race 1, we hope to simultaneously evaluate the interaction of sting nematode with Fov incidence.