Identification of Resistance Alleles to Bt Proteins in Helicoverpa zea

Wednesday, January 9, 2019: 2:00 PM
Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Jose C. Santiago Gonzalez , Texas A&M University
Fei Yang , Texas A&M University
David Kerns , Texas A&M University
My research focus on conducting F2 Screens on populations of the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) to detect alleles conferring resistance to several Bt toxins currently expressed in commercial cotton lines. Bt crops have increase growers earnings due to an improve in the control of major pests and the need for less pesticide applications. However, extensive areas planted with crops expressing Bt toxins could impose a tremendous selection pressure for resistant individuals over the time. Our objective is to determine the occurrence of Bt resistance alleles in the cotton boll worm.  The information generated in this study could support resistance management efforts and the sustainability of Bt crops.