Efficacy of Enlist, Xtend and Liberty Based Weed Control Systems in Cotton

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E - H (New Orleans Marriott)
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E - H (New Orleans Marriott)
Rohith Vulchi , Texas A&M University, College Station
Scott Nolte , Texas A&M University, College Station
Matthew Matocha , Texas A&M University, College Station
Gaylon Morgan , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Josh McGinty , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Management of Glyphosate resistant weeds can become increasingly difficult due to repeated use of Roundup-Ready technology. Timely applications are a must in achieving adequate control of resistant weeds. Use of residual products at planting and as tank mix partners for in-season applications are equally as important. By employing residual products at planting and in-season, growers will increase their chances of having a successful weed control program. Along with that, alternative herbicide technologies with different modes of action are needed to control Roundup resistant weeds. Cotton system comparisons such as XtendFlex, Enlist, and Liberty-Link, have the ability to provide maximum weed control when used properly.  Considering that the growers will try to find the best and cheap option for their farm, there is a need to show the differences in their efficacy and costs. For these reasons, cotton systems comparison studies were conducted in South, Southeastern, and Central Texas.  The studies employed sequential applications in XtendFlex, Enlist, and Liberty-Link technologies and were evaluated for their effectiveness for weed control and subsequent yield.