A Fieldprint Calculator Analysis of Resource and Cost Efficiencies in the Southern High Plains

Thursday, January 10, 2019: 9:20 AM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon D (New Orleans Marriott)
Donna McCallister , Texas Tech University
Phil Johnson , Texas Tech University
The Southern High Plains of Texas is a thriving agricultural economy that depends on the sustainability of water and natural resources. Companies and stakeholders have begun to revolutionize agricultural sustainability in order to market sustainable products from farm to table. In order to remain economically viable agricultural production in the Southern High Plains region have made transitions to conserve irrigation water and reduce depletion of the Ogallala aquifer that supplies water to the region. Efforts to encourage environmental and economic sustainability have been made by companies such as Field to Market. Using data from the TAWC, an ranking analysis will be performed on all metrics, profitability, and total variable cost.