In the greenhouse study, 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 thrips per plant were released at 1- to 2- true-leaf stage. Significantly higher thrips densities were observed from treatments where 1 or 2 thrips were released per seedling compared to 0.5 and control. Visual ranking values of plants from thrips densities 0 and 0.5 were significantly superior compared to that from thrips densities 1 and 2. Similar densities were achieved in field cages via thrips release in No-Thrips® cages to compensate for 80% field mortality. Significant numbers of thrips were recovered from all thrips-augmented treatments, with lowest numbers recovered from control plants. Leaf area was significantly higher in uninfested control compared to those in thrips augmented treatments. Thrips densities of 0.5, 1, and 2 per plant at early seedling stage all reduced lint yield significantly compared to that in uninfested control plots. Similar densities were achieved in field cages via thrips release in No-Thrips® cages to compensate for 80% field mortality. Thrips densities of 0.5, 1, and 2 per plant at early seedling stage all reduced lint yield significantly compared to that in uninfested control plots.