Thursday, January 4, 2018: 4:30 PM
Salon D (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
A typical cotton breeding program evaluates thousands of small field plots each year. Although cotton breeders make extensive field notes to collect data, the process is subjective and prone to a significant degree of error. The efficiency of cotton breeding could be increased significantly, while minimizing cost, with the availability of more accurate methods of collecting information.
High-throughput phenotyping paved the development of large mapping populations, but the current electronic data loggers/monitors used are not intended for these purposes.
The overall goal of this work is to design and develop a new data logger specifically to be used for cotton phenotyping, which incorporates multiple ADC lines, digital input/output lines, serial ports, I2C, CAN bus and SPI connections.
This paper will present the field test result and the new design of the slave controller of the data logger. Heatmaps rendition of the data collected from the field test will also be presented.