Dryland and Irrigated Commercial Variety Testing in Central and South Texas in 2016

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Cumberland I-L (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Friday, January 6, 2017
Cumberland I-L (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Dawn Deno , Texas A&M University
Approximately 54 commercial varieties were evaluated in replicated trials at seven locations.  The objective of these trials is to provide seed companies and producers with independent evaluation of available cotton cultivars. Locations included four irrigated and six dryland tests.  For each test, lint yield, lint fraction, and HVI fiber data were ascertained.  Harvest at most locations was generally dry without complications.  Comparisons among varieties under irrigated and dryland conditions suggest a genotype x environmental interaction.  In 2016, the early season was wet and cool resulting in delayed plantings and replanting in College Station.  The rest of the growing season was generally mild with timely rains especially in South Texas.  Trials at College Station were still green in August when heavy rains destroyed much of the cotton crops in Central Texas.