Cotton Contamination: Considering Round Module Wrappers in Gins

Friday, January 6, 2017: 8:15 AM
Gaston (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Bradley Borges , Texas A&M University
J. Alex Thomasson , Texas A&M University
Since round modules have become common, there have been concerns regarding contamination by the plastic module wrappers as they are removed at the gin. This study seeks (1) to develop and demonstrate a camera-based system for identifying plastic contamination at the module feeder in a commercial gin, and (2) to characterize the likelihood of lint contamination associated with identified events at the module feeder of cooperating gins. We have installed a camera that captures one image per minute at a central-Texas gin in order to identify events involving wrapper-plastic contamination at the module feeder. Thousands of images have been collected and evaluated, and some events have been detected.  We will report on how common these events have been in this particular gin as well as how they were handled.  We will also discuss the likelihood that these events actually led to cotton contamination issues.