Target Spot Epidemic in the North Delta: 2016 Observations and Key Learnings

Thursday, January 5, 2017: 4:45 PM
Cumberland E-F (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
John Schultz , BASF
Ryan Bane , BASF
Jason Roberts , BASF
Alvin Rhodes , BASF
Justin Clark , BASF
Dan Westberg , BASF
Target Spot (Corynespora cassiicola) invaded the north Delta in 2016 like never before.  Being proactive in looking for the first signs of disease, applications of Priaxor® fungicide began in the first week of bloom to stop disease onset.  With many strip plots and split fields of both preventative and reactive applications, we have a good evaluation of what these treatments provided for growers in 2016 when disease pressure continued to develop as the season progressed.  Fields were variable in defoliation across the Delta with some as low as 5% defoliated and others as high as 100% defoliated.  Some fields that were closely monitored throughout the season resulted in a significantly heavier boll load in treated areas compared to non-treated areas.