Thursday, January 5, 2017
Cumberland I-L (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Friday, January 6, 2017
Cumberland I-L (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Studies were initiated in 2016 at Starkville and Brooksville. Droplet sizes were predetermined at the University of Nebraska with a pulse width modulating sprayer in a wind tunnel. Applications were made using a pulse width modulation sprayer attached to a tractor. applications were made on 3 leaf cotton. Samples were collected 3 and 7 days after applications. Samples were collected out 2nd row and were washed to remove thrips for counting. Biomass samples were also collected at similar timings from the third row. Height, number of mainstem nodes, and nodes above whiteflower were collected at first bloom. Height, number of mainstem nodes, nodes above cracked boll, and yield were collected at the end of the year.