Growers are constantly told they need to use increased levels of often untested, inputs by many sectors of the cotton industry. The objective of the study conducted from 2014 though 2016 was to evaluate various agronomic inputs on cotton development and yield compared to current extension recommendations. The study was conducted in North Carolina, Missouri, Mississippi, and Virginia. Current extension recommendations were included as a control as well as a base treatment included with all additional inputs. The agronomic inputs used in the study included two planting dates, in-furrow fungicides, in-furrow insecticides, early season foliar fungicides, 150% soil fertility, and foliar fertilization of potassium and nitrogen during bloom. The final treatment was a combination of all additional agronomic inputs in a “Kitchen Sink” management program to determine if there is a synergistic effect of combining the additional inputs. Plant population, thrips injury ratings, and plant heights were measured to determine the impact of early season inputs on establishment and early season vigor. Final lint yields were also measured in each location and year. Data from all states are included to determine the effect of increased inputs on cotton development and yield across the cotton belt.