Copeo Prime Seed Treatment Nematacide for Cotton

Wednesday, January 4, 2017: 4:20 PM
Reunion G-H (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Jeremiah Mullock , Bayer CropScience
Kate Nangle , Bayer CropScience
Chip Graham , Bayer CropScience
Russ Perkins , Bayer CropScience
COPeO Prime (fluopyram) is a new seed treatment nematacide for cotton. COPeO Prime provides broad spectrum protection from yield damaging nematodes, including root-knot and reniform. This product provides a new mode of action to cotton seed treatment. A positive yield benefit has been found when COPeO Prime is used with and without other nematode control measures, such as nematacidal seed treatment offers and nematode-tolerant varieties.