Influence of Cultural Practices on Soybean Nectar Production

Thursday, January 5, 2017: 4:30 PM
Reunion F (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Ty Smith , Mississippi State University
Angus Catchot , Mississippi State University
Jeff Harris , Mississippi State University
Natraj Krishnan , Mississippi State University
Jeff Gore , Mississippi State University
Don Cook , Mississippi State University
Soybean nectar attributes to a large percentage of the nectar used in honey production in honeybee systems. The amount of nectar produced in each cultivar differs between those cultivars. Previous research has been done in the past to identify which certain cultivars produce the highest quantity of nectar. The objective of these tests were to identify which modern cultivars produced the highest amount of nectar based on a series of cultural mechanisms. Tests were conducted during the 2016 growing season in the hills and delta region of Mississippi. The tests were also separated by planting date as well as being irrigated and nonirrigated. Flowers were pulled at peak nectar hours and weighed. After which the samples were centrifuged and placed in cold storage until analyzed by spectrophotometry.