The main goal of this study was to begin delineating the effects of different planter parameters on cotton production and final yield. This study focused specifically on soil moisture, planter depth, and row unit downforce. Phytogen 333 WRF was planted on May 11, 2016 and stand counts were taken at approximately two and five weeks after planting along with growth and vigor data such as plant height, leaf area index, and number of nodes to aid in quantifying the planter effect on emergence rate and vigor. The trial was grown to maturity by following UGA Extension Cotton production recommendations. The trial was harvested on October 3, 2016. Initial analysis of the yield data shows approximately a 200 lb/ac (seed cotton) yield difference between planter settings suggesting that proper planter setup is critical to ensure producers have the opportunity to maximize both yield and profitability based on proper planter settings in varying conditions.