Premier Cotton Education: Varieties and Pre-Plant Considerations 2014-2016

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Cumberland I-L (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Friday, January 6, 2017
Cumberland I-L (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Kendra Bilbrey , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Jody Bradford , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Cristen Brooks , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Josh Brooks , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Mark Brown , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Seth A. Byrd , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Dale Dunlap , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Tommy Doederlein , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Leonard Haynes , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Cam Jackson , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Katelyn Kowles , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Danny J Nusser , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Curtis Preston , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Blayne Reed , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Gary Roschetzky , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Kerry Siders , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Wes Utley , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
John Villalba , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
  1. To provide an educational platform to transfer technology that will enhance cotton profitability in the North Region of Texas.  Increased programming to focus on issues important to producers and deliver in-depth education towards these issues.  There is also an emphasis in reinforcing education through various delivery methods.

  2. To focus programs on consistent outcome indicators and/or teaching points identified by research teams, specialists, university administrators, IPM agents, and County Agents.

  3. Measure the impact at both the enterprise level and the community on cotton production utilizing evaluation questions that meet the outcome indicators and teaching objectives.

  4. Develop incremental steps to increase competency in Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service professionals toward cotton issues and educational delivery.  Develop and utilize new technologies to increase the number of producers reached, expand our Extension and Research experts’ ability to reach more people, involve agents at the local level in teaching, and develop methods that take information to producers at home, in the field, or on their phone