A New Seed Treatment Nematicide in Cotton Powered By Bio ST Nematicide 100

Wednesday, January 4, 2017: 3:20 PM
Reunion G-H (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
David H. Long , Albaugh,LLC
Albaugh Seed Treatment Technology will be launching a new cotton seed treatment in 2017 that will be powered by their new bio-nematicide product, BioST Nematicide 100.  It couples nematode management with very effective insect and disease protection provided on the seed from day one. BioST Nematicide 100 is a nematicide that utilizes multiple modes of action (some novel) against the most common early season nematodes in cotton (root-knot, reniform).  The product is compatible with other seed treatment products with an excellent seed safety profile. The product has been tested with universities, seed companies and Independent Crop Consultants on grower fields in 2016.  Presentation will focus on profiling this new technology, ROI, and results from extensive field testing.