Non-Structural Carbohydrates in Cotton Genotypes Differing in Seedling Vigor

Thursday, January 7, 2016: 8:05 AM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
Felix B Fritschi , Univ. of Missouri
Shengjun Liu , Univ. of Missouri
Robert L. Nichols , Cotton Incorporated
Rapid early growth enhances the chances that cotton seedlings can outgrow damage by biotic stress factors, and may also improve their ability to tolerate abiotic stress conditions.  We have identified three genotypes with low, medium, and high vigor and have paired these genotypes with a commercial cultivar for further examination of the mechanisms contributing to the observed differences.  Non-structure carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, sucrose and starch) were analyzed by HPLC separately for the upper-most fully expanded leaf, first true leaf, and cotyledon, stem and root tissue.  The findings of these analyses will be discussed.