Molecular Mapping of Fiber Yield Component Traits Using an Ultra-High-Density SNP Genetic Map of Cultivated Tetraploid Cottons

Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Lorin Harvey , Texas A&M University
Ya-Dong Zhang , Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Yang Zhang , Texas A&M University
Chantel Scheuring , Texas A&M University
Yunhua Liu , Texas A&M University
Meiping Zhang , Texas A&M University
C. Wayne Smith , Texas A&M University
David Stelly , Texas A&M University
Shiaw-Pyng Yang , Monsanto Company
David Caldwell , Monsanto Company
Randall Kerstetter , Monsanto Company
Steve Hague , Texas A&M University
Hong-Bin Zhang , Texas A&M University
Yield Component traits were collected at three locations in 2015 and one location over 2011-2013. Molecular mapping of these traits was then done using a high density SNP genetic map of cultivated tetraploid cotton.