Chromosome Substitution Approach Towards Introgressing Novel Traits from G. barbadense (Pima) into G. hirsutum (Upland)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016: 9:00 AM
Preservation Hall Studios 7 & 8 (New Orleans Marriott)
Drutdaman Bhangu , Texas A&M
C. Wayne Smith , Texas A&M University
David Stelly , Texas A&M University
Abstract- Seventeen chromosome substitution lines (CSL) were developed at the New Beasley Laboratory at Texas A&M, each with one G. hirsutum chromosome replaced by its homolog from G. barbadense. A Line by Tester design was conducted to screen for CSL that produce F1s above the average of all CSL for UHML, ESU, or yield potential.  High volume instrument fiber properties and advanced fiber information system fiber properties of these F1 were compared with their parents, two extra-long staple upland genotypes developed by Texas A&M AgriLife Research, and a standard upland cultivar.