Evaluation of Soil Herbicides for Pigweed and Morningglory Control in Xtend Cotton

Wednesday, January 6, 2016: 11:30 AM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons A, B & C (New Orleans Marriott)
Steve Li , Auburn University
Soil herbicide is an essential component in Xtend weed mangement system. Three trials (2 dryland, 1 irrigated) were conducted in Centre, Headland and Fairhope, Alabama to evaluate various soil herbicide combinations in new Xtend cotton variety for crop tolerance, pigweed and morningglory control. Fomesafen, diuron, acetochlor, pendimethalin and flumioxazin were applied at full or reduced label rate Pre-plant surface or PRE. Cotton injury, height, pigweed and morningglory control, and seed cotton yield were evaluated in this study. Data of this study is currently under analysis.