Predawn Respiration Predicts Lint Yield in Cotton When Yield Variability Is Water-Induced

Thursday, January 7, 2016: 8:35 AM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
John L. Snider , University of Georgia
Daryl Chastain , Mississippi State University Delta Research and Extension Center
Calvin Meeks , University of Georgia
Guy D. Collins , NC State University
Ronald Sorensen , USDA ARS
Calvin Perry , University of Georgia
Respiratory carbon evolution by leaves under abiotic stress is implicated as a major limitation to crop productivity; however, respiration rates of fully expanded leaves are positively associated with plant growth rates. Given the substantial sensitivity of plant growth to drought, it was hypothesized that predawn respiration rates (RPD) would be 1) more sensitive to drought than photosynthetic processes and 2) highly predictive of water-induced yield variability in Gossypium hirsutum. Two studies (at Tifton and Camilla Georgia) addressed these hypotheses. At Tifton, drought was imposed beginning at the onset of flowering (first flower) and continuing for three weeks (peak bloom) followed by a recovery period, and predawn water potential (ΨPD), RPD, net photosynthesis (AN) and maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were measured throughout the study period. At Camilla, plants were exposed to five different irrigation regimes throughout the growing season, and average ΨPD and RPD were determined between first flower and peak bloom for all treatments. For both sites, fiber yield was assessed at crop maturity. The relationships between ΨPD, RPD and yield were assessed via non-linear regression, and the interactive effects of ΨPD and RPD on fiber yield was assessed using response-surface analysis. It was concluded for field-grown G. hirsutum that 1) RPD is exceptionally sensitive to progressive drought (more so than AN or Fv/Fm), 2) average RPD from first flower to peak bloom is highly predictive of water-induced yield variability, and 3) average ΨPDduring flowering alters yield response to RPD.