Cotton Agronomy & Physiology - Consultants Session
Tuesday, January 7, 2014: 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Acadia (New Orleans Marriott)
2:00 PM
2013 Onfarm Assessment of Cotton Variety Performance
Guy D. Collins, University of Georgia;
Randy K. Boman, Oklahoma State University;
Charles H. Burmester, Auburn University;
Darrin M Dodds, Mississippi State University;
David Drake, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension;
Keith L Edmisten, North Carolina State University;
William Hunter Frame, Virginia Tech;
Rex Friesen, Southern Kansas Cotton Growers Cooperative;
Dan D. Fromme, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service;
Michael A Jones, Clemson University;
Mark S Kelley, Texas A&M University;
Blake McClelland, University of Arkansas;
Dale Monks, Auburn University;
Gaylon D. Morgan, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service;
Gerald O. Myers, LSU AgCenter;
Randy Norton, University of Arizona;
Andrea Phillips, University of Missouri;
Jared R. Whitaker, University of Georgia;
David L. Wright, University of Florida;
Robert L. Nichols, Cotton Incorporated;
Dale Logan, SeedMatrix
2:20 PM
Effect of Variety, Irrigation, and Plant Growth Regulator Use on Cotton Performance
Jared R. Whitaker, University of Georgia;
Tom Barber, University of Arkansas Extension;
Darrin M Dodds, Mississippi State University;
Michael A Jones, Clemson University;
Robert B. Hutmacher, University of California - Davis & West Side REC;
David L. Wright, University of Florida;
E. Randall Norton, University of Arizona;
Chris L Main, Phytogen;
John S Kruse, Koch Agronomic Services, LLC;
Blake McClelland, University of Arkansas;
Robert L. Nichols, Cotton Incorporated
3:20 PM
Question & Answer Session