The Accuracy of Cotton Bale Moisture Sensors Used in a South Texas Commercial Gin with Lint Moisture Restoration
The Accuracy of Cotton Bale Moisture Sensors Used in a South Texas Commercial Gin with Lint Moisture Restoration
Wednesday, January 8, 2014: 10:45 AM
Preservation Hall Studios 2 & 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Automated and manual moisture measurement systems were employed in a commercial gin located near El Campo TX. Lint samples were also obtained from the same bales and returned to the Cotton Ginning Research Unit of the USDA-ARS for moisture content analysis by the oven method. Data were collected with the systems for several hundred bales. The readings from the systems were compared statistically with the oven-based readings and improved calibrations were obtained based on the data. These data were compared with similar data obtained in 2011 and 2012 in other regions of the cotton belt.