Renting Cropland: Comparing Rental Options Using a Decision Tool
Renting Cropland: Comparing Rental Options Using a Decision Tool
Tuesday, January 7, 2014: 4:15 PM
Preservation Hall Studio 9 (New Orleans Marriott)
Agricultural producers are faced with a variety of cropland rental options, such as cash rent, share rent, and flexible cash rent. While there are decision tools available for use by producers to compare rental options, most are for specific crops, such as corn, soybeans, and wheat. The Cropland Rental Tool is an Excel-based decision aid for analyzing land rental options. The goal of this tool is to allow producers to easily compare rental options using their historical and current farm data, such as yield and production costs, regardless of crop. Included in the tool is a report that can assist in facilitating discussions between tenants and landowners regarding rental options.