The HS/VSTM High Speed / Variable Stroke Tramper
Gin throughput has steadily increased since the introduction of high-capacity gin stands. With this trend expected to continue, ever greater pressure will be put on press production. The days of one-minute cycle times have given way to forty-five-second cycles with thirty-second cycles just around the corner. To address the demand, the High-Speed Variable-Stroke (HS/VS™) tramper has been developed. The HS/VS™ tramper utilizes technology first introduced with the Savannah Class™ Press (U.S. patent 7,481,158). The HS/VS™ technology addresses time constraints attributable to ingress (lint slide accumulation) and egress (bale strapping profiles), control constraints at high speeds and precise positioning, bale weight fluctuations related to number of charges and charge size, and real-time data feedback for tuning and information systems.