Results from 2013 Louisiana Cotton Production Survey

Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Preservation Hall Studio 9 (New Orleans Marriott)
Krishna P Paudel , Louisiana State University
Ashok K Mishra , Louisiana State University
Dayton M Lambert , University Of Tennessee
Jeanne Reeves , Cotton Incorporated
Hiuzhen Niu , Louisiana State University
We analyzed the electronics uses pattern by cotton farmers in Louisiana using graphical and frequency analyses. The results indicated that 65% of farmers have used computers in farm management, the same percentage of farmers have used autosteer as a GPS guidance system, and an average of 2.5 precision farming information gathering technologies have been adopted by farmers.  Farmers used the variable rate technology mostly to apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and lime.  Most of the farmers indicated that uncertain benefit and too high cost are the reasons behind their nonadoption of precision farming technologies. Results from this study should help farmers to understand the precision adoption pattern and concerns of other similar producers. Policy makers can understand the concern related to nonadoption and potential remedy to improve the nonadoption pattern given the fact that precision farming technologies are environmentally beneficial and economically profitable.