Does Cotton Seed Size Influence the Risk of Injury from Soil-Applied Herbicides?
Does Cotton Seed Size Influence the Risk of Injury from Soil-Applied Herbicides?
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Does cotton seed size influence the risk of injury from soil-applied herbicides?
This study conducted in 2012 and 2013 evaluates the impact of various sizes of cotton seed and the resulting injury from PRE applications of diuron at 1 and 2X rates. Plots were rated weekly until 4 WAT and biomass was collected. Statistical separation was achieved using Fisher’s protected LSD at alpha equals .05 in SAS.