Potential for Fluridone Carryover from Cotton to Multiple Crop Species

Tuesday, January 7, 2014: 4:45 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons A, B & C (New Orleans Marriott)
Zachary T. Hill , University of Arkansas
Jason K. Norsworthy , University of Arkansas
Holden D. Bell , University of Arkansas
Brandon W. Schrage , University of Arkansas
Chris J. Meyer , University of Arkansas
Mohammad Bararpour , University of Arkansas
Potential for Fluridone Carryover from Cotton to Multiple Crop Species.
Z. T. Hill; J.K. Norsworthy; H. D. Bell; B. W. Schrage; C. J. Meyer, M. Bararpour.

This study was conducted over a two-year period 2012 and 2013.  Fluridone herbicide applications were applied preemergence on cotton, and herbicide injury as a result of carryover was evaluated in 2013 on 6 different crops; wheat, corn, soybean, rice, sunflower, and grain sorghum.