Cotton Variety and Nematicide Combinations for Reniform and Root Knot Management Across the Cotton Belt
Cotton Variety and Nematicide Combinations for Reniform and Root Knot Management Across the Cotton Belt
Wednesday, January 8, 2014: 11:15 AM
Galerie 1 (New Orleans Marriott)
The 2013 National Cotton Council Nematode Research and Education Committee’s nematode research project evaluated cotton variety and nematicide treatment combinations across the cotton belt in diverse cotton production systems. Five nematicide treatments were nominated by Bayer Crop Science for evaluation compared to a Gaucho insecticide control on two cotton varieties. The results presented are from the eleven locations where stand, vigor, nematode ratings or population numbers and yield were collected. There was no significant variety x nematicide interactions for the 2013 trials, indicating the nematicide response was similar on the two cotton varieties. Cotton plant stand was similar across varieties and nematicides ranging from 1 to 3 plants per foot of row and averaging 2.3 plants over all tests. The tolerant variety Stoneville 4946 B2RF vigor ratings were greater than the susceptible varieties Fiber Max 1740 B2RF or Fiber Max 1944GLB2. Nematicides also affected seedling vigor with the Temik 15 G supporting the most vigorous plants compared to the Gaucho seed treatment. Stoneville 4946 B2RF supported 30 % fewer nematodes and produced 3% higher cotton yields than the susceptible Fiber Max 1740 B2RF or Fiber Max 1944 GLB2. Temik 15G + Vydate C-LV foliar spray produced significantly more cotton that the Gaucho seed treatment. The increase was equivalent to a 12% increase or 226 lb/A of seed cotton averaged over all locations across the cotton belt.