Reniform Resistant Soybean Varieties of Alabama
David Bailey
Kathy Lawrence
David Held
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Auburn University
Dennis Delaney
Department of Soil, Crop, and Environmental Science
Auburn University
Brad Meyer
Crop rotation is an important implement in controlling the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford & Oliveira). The main agronomic crop grown in Alabama is cotton and the reniform nematode often causes economic yield losses to this crop each year. Cotton is often rotated with soybeans and some varieties are listed as resistant on the seed label. Field and greenhouse trials were conducted in 2013 to help identify reniform resistant and/or tolerant soybean varieties of those commonly grown in Alabama. The standard susceptible Hutchinson and resistant Hartwig varieties were used for comparison. Microplots with different soil types found throughout Alabama were established with and without irrigated to examine the reproduction potential and yield reduction potential of the reniform nematode on a single variety of soybean. Forty three varieties of soybeans were screened for resistance in the greenhouse in a RCBD with 5 replications and repeated twice. From the resistant greenhouse screening, 23 varieties including the susceptible Hutchinson and resistant Hartwig were evaluated in a reniform infested field at the Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center near Belle Mina AL. Reproductive factors and yields from each trial will be analyzed in SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc.) by using the PROC GLIMMIX procedure with P ≤ 0.05. Field evaluations have indicated some tolerant lines which may be confirmed after yields are taken. Initial data from the microplots indicate similar egg numbers as well as yields throughout the trial.