Results from a Cotton Precision Farming Survey Across Fourteen Southern States

Wednesday, January 8, 2014: 9:30 AM
Preservation Hall Studio 9 (New Orleans Marriott)
Christopher N Boyer , University of Tennessee
Burton English , University of Tennessee
Roland Roberts , University of Tennessee
James Larson , University of Tennessee
Dayton Lambert , University of Tennessee
Margarita Velandia , University of Tennessee
Vivian Zhou , University of Tennessee
Sherry Larkin , University of Florida
Michele Marra , North Carolina State University
Roderick M Rejesus , North Carolina State University
Lawrence L. Falconer , Mississippi State University Extension Service
Steven W. Martin , Mississippi State University Extension Service
Ashok K Mishra , Louisiana State University
Krishna P Paudel , Louisiana State University
Chenggang Wang , Texas Tech University
Jeffrey Johnson , Texas Tech University
Eduardo Segarra , Texas Tech University
Jeanne Reeves , Cotton Incorporated
In February of 2013, the 2013 Southern Cotton Precision Farming Survey was mailed to over 13,000 cotton producers across 14 states. A total of 1,806 producers returned valid responses for a response rate of 13.72%. This presentation will report the adoption rates of several precision farming technologies such as GPS guidance, automatic section control, yield monitors, and geo-referenced soil sampling along with other technologies. Results will also be presented on the adoption of variable rate application of several inputs such as nitrogen, irrigation, potassium, lime, and phosphorous. The results from this presentation will benefit extension, research, and industry personnel by indicating the producers who are most likely to adopt precision farming technologies. This research was funded by Cotton Inc. and included participants from six universities.