Response of Several Cotton Varieties to Timing of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization

Wednesday, January 9, 2013: 5:15 PM
Salon M (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Leo Espinoza , University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
M. Ismanov , University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
P. Ballantyne , University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service

The objective of this presentation is to report on the response of several cotton varieties to the timing of nitrogen and potassium fertilization. Nitrogen was split-applied, with 60 lb applied immediately after planting and 40lb applied at 175 heat units intervals, beginning at first bloom. A single 90 lb/acre potassium application was done at planting, first bloom,  at 150 and 300 heat unit intervals. Average yields, yield partition and varietal differences will be discussed.