Field Evaluation of Five Synthetic Pyrethroids Against the Spiny Bollworm Earias Insulana (Boisd) Focusing On Their Negative Impacts On Beneficial Arthropoda (Minia -Egypt)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Salon H (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Salon H (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Salon H (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Abdelrahman M. Younis , Minia University
Sanaa A. Ibrahim , Minia University
"Field evaluation of five synthetic pyrethroids against the spiny bollworm, Earias insulana (Boisd) focusing on their negative impacts on beneficial arthropods (Minia- Egypt)"


             Abdelrahman M Younis and Sanaa A. Ibrahim

Department of Plant Protection- Faculty of Agriculture- Minia University- Egypt

Abstract:  Five synthetic pyrethroids were evaluated during 2012 cotton growing season against the spiny bollworm Earias insulana (Boisd) using the recommended concentrations as suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture in Egypt.  Those pesticides were commercially named Alfa-power (%EC-10% alpha-cypermethrin), Nasrthrin (EC-25% cypermethrin), Fury (EW-10% zeta-cypermethrin, Kaput (EC-5% lambdcyhalothrin), Mambada (EC-5% lambdcyhalothrin).  The five pesticides were compared with a carbamate insecticide tradely named Methocam (SP90% methomyl).  The spray program was started on July 19 when % infestation reached 3-5% and repeated twice at 15 days interval (on August 2 and August 16).  Counts of spiny bollworm were conducted just before spray and at one week interval up to six weeks. Data revealed that the two formulations of lambdcyhalothrin were the most effective treatment resulted in more than 90% reduction in infestation and larval content.  Cypermethrin, alpha-cypermethrin and zetacypermethrin came in the second order with an average of 83-85% reduction in infestation and 85-92% reduction in larval content.  Methomyl was the least effective treatment resulted in 61.0 and 64.7% reduction in spiny bollworm infestation and larval content, respectively.  Regarding the negative impacts on beneficial arthropods, kaput and Methokam were the least harmful treatments.