The Centennial Rotation Cotton/Corn/Soybean Production In the Midsouth (2004-2011)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
M. Wayne Ebelhar , Mississippi State University
Davis R. Clark , Mississippi State University
S. W. Martin , Mississippi State University
The Centennial Rotation was begun in 2004 to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the Delta Research and Extension Center.  Various cotton, corn, and soybean rotations were set up to be compared to continuous cotton.  Each potential crop in a rotaion sequence aare grown each year.  The latest cultivars and technologies are being used to optimize production.  Rotations include corn/cotton, corn/cotton/cotton, soybean/corn/cotton, soybean/corn/cotton/cotton, and corn/soybean along with continuous cotton.  This poster will summarize the first eight years of the study with respect to yield and value of the crop grown.