Summary of Stink Bug Insecticide Efficacy Trials (2006-2011) in Irwin County Georgia

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Phillip Edwards , University of Georgia
Phillip Roberts , University of Georgia
Stink bugs are an economic pest of cotton in Georgia and the southeast. In Bt cotton production systems stink bugs are the primary pests which are targeted with mid-late season insecticides. A complex of stink bugs including southern green stink bug, brown stink bug, and other Euschistus spp. commonly infest cotton in south Georgia. Multiple field trials were conducted from 2006-2011 comparing the relative efficacy of insecticides. A novel method of establishing trials near peanut plantings where high stink bug populations are anticipated will be discussed and data will be summarized.