Smart Phone App Aids in Tracking Modules

Wednesday, January 4, 2012: 2:20 PM
Crystal Ballroom M (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Joseph T. Wyrick , EWR, Inc.
EWR, Inc. has developed and released a smart phone application called "MyModules" for use by cotton producers. The Android version is available now and is being used this harvest season for the first time. The iPhone version is expected to be available in October, 2011.

MyModules is designed to be used by cotton growers and custom pickers to enter information while in the cotton field about newly-made cotton modules. That data is then electronically delivered to the gin. The GPS coordinates of the module can be automatically captured and transmitted. MyModules allows its user to monitor the status of each module, such as when it is picked up, and makes that information available to the producer on this smart phone. When the module is ginned, the grower can review the bale status on the MyModules phone screen.

The MyModules app eliminates many phone calls, freeing up gin office workers to do other tasks during the busiest part of the season. The use of data transfer technology enhances the accuracy of the information. The gin interface designed to work in conjunction with MyModules replaces handwritten lists used in many gins currently. The entire application is easy to use and easy to set-up.

The initial version of MyModules works with EWR's eCotton-brand gin software which is the most popular gin software used in the Cotton Belt, with 369 gins using it. Future plans call for possibly making the app available for other gin software platforms.