Cotton Utilization: Nonwovens Symposium - Friday Late Morning

Friday, January 7, 2011: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
International B (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Janet O'Regan
10:30 AM
Our Experience In Processing Greige Cottons for Certain Nonwoven Base Materials
Michael Reynolds, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Hiram Allen, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Paul Sawhney, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Brian Condon, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Ryan Slopek, U.S.Department of Agriculture
10:55 AM
Electrokinetic Properties of Nonwoven Incontinence Devices
Vince Edwards, USDA-ARS-SRRC; Brian Condon, USDA-ARS-SRRC
11:20 AM
Effect of Varying Nonwoven Cotton Substrate and the Properties of the Surfactant Solution Upon the Adsorption of Aqueous Solutions of Alkyl-Dimethyl-Benzyl-Ammonium Chloride
Ryan Slopek, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Brian Condon, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Paul Sawhney, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Michael Reynolds, U.S.Department of Agriculture; Chuck Allen, U.S.Department of Agriculture
11:45 AM
11:55 AM
Thanks/Adjourn - Dr. G. Bhat, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
See more of: Utilization: Nonwovens