12325 Response of Deltapine Class of '09 and '10 Varieties to Irrigation Levels In West Texas

Thursday, January 6, 2011: 4:00 PM
International 9 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
David W. Albers , Monsanto
Douglas J. Jost , Monsanto
Eric C. Best , Monsanto
Deltapine’s new Class of ’09, and ’10 varieties have been tested for 2 years in 8 irrigation trials across a range of irrigation levels: rainfed or prewatered only, 30%ET, 60% ET and 90% ET replacement.  Plant responses for growth parameters, maturity, lint yield and fiber quality have been measured.  Varieties that have better fit in dryland situations have been identified, as well as varieties with better fit in limited water (30% ET) and full water (60 to 90% ET).  Return on irrigation cost ($ lint value / acre-inch of irrigation) and Water Use Efficiency (lb lint / acre inch water) were developed for each of the varieties to provide growers critical data to improve return on irrigation costs.
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