12263 Study of Dynamic Behavior In Cotton Blended Elastomeric Slub Yarns

Friday, January 7, 2011: 9:15 AM
International A (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Sayed Ibrahim , Technical University of Liberec
Jiri Militky , Technical University of Liberec
Dana Kremenakova , Technical University of Liberec
Rajesh Mishra , Technical University of Liberec
The importance of dynamic mechanical behavior of yarns is emphasized in this paper. The study is focused on elastomeric yarns and slub yarns for special applications. The properties of cotton and blended yarns with elastomeric core are studied under cyclic loading conditions. The observations prove to be essential to analyze the behavior of these yarns in subsequent operations like weaving, knitting etc. Performance of these yarns changes substantially when slubs are present in regular intervals. The results from DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer are compared with the tests conducted on Lawson Hemphill tester. Effect of temperature on performance of elastomeric yarns is studied. The results for cotton and blended yarns for all these test methods have been analyzed and compared.