12019 Use of GGE Biplot to Evaluate Variety Performance In the Mid-South and Southeast

Friday, January 7, 2011: 10:30 AM
Marquis - 103 - 105 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Mustafa McPherson , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
Joe Johnson , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
John Pellow , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
Dru Rush , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
The interaction of varieties with environments is an important source of variation in cotton variety trials and GGE Biplot is a useful tool to digest and gain some understanding of this GxE interaction. Phytogen conducts a combined elite strains test with both early-mid and full maturity entries uniformly across a broad range of environments in the Mid-South and Southeast. GGE Biplot will be used to analyze the interaction of commercial varieties with the test environments in both 2009 and 2010.
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