11817 Effects of Processing Rate on Seed Cotton Cleaning Equipment Performance

Thursday, January 6, 2011: 3:15 PM
Atrium - 601 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Robert G. Hardin IV , USDA-ARS Cotton Ginning Research Unit
Richard K. Byler , USDA-ARS Cotton Ginning Research Unit
The recommended processing rate of seed cotton cleaning equipment is 3100-5200 kg/hr per meter of equipment width (1.5-2.5 bales/hr/ft).  Survey data has indicated that many gins exceed this processing rate, with rates as high as 9400 kg/hr/m (4.5 bales/hr/ft) at some gins.  Previous research only studied the cleaning of picker harvested cotton at rates up to 4200 kg/hr/m (2 bales/hr/ft).  Seed cotton was processed through a first-stage cylinder cleaner, stick machine, and second-stage cylinder cleaner at rates from 4200-12500 kg/hr/m (2-6 bales/hr/ft).  Data on seed cotton loss from the cotton harvested in 2008 was analyzed.  The experiment was repeated with cotton harvested in 2009.  Cultivars were selected with higher foreign matter content than in 2008 and moisture content was varied using climate-controlled conditioning rooms.  Data on the foreign matter removal of each cleaning machine was analyzed.
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