11746 GlyTol/Liberty Link Cotton: Managment Considerations

Friday, January 7, 2011: 10:30 AM
International 7 & 8 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Gaylon Morgan , Texas AgriLife Extension
Paul Baumann , Texas AgriLife Extension
Dale Mott , Texas AgriLife Extension
Matt Matocha , Texas AgriLife Extension
GlyTol herbicide tolerance trait by Bayer Crop Science is quickly approaching the market and should be available in limited varieties and quantities for the 2011 season.  Following the GlyTol technology by one or two years will be the GlyTol/LL by Bayer Crop Science.  Three trials were conducted in Central Texas to evaluate the efficacy and the crop tolerance of the GlyTol/LL technology in real world conditions.  These trials included efficacy ratings for several problematic weed species, phytotoxicity ratings, and yield and quality measurements.
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