11568 Impact of Tillage Treatments Across Subsurface Drip Irrigation Levels In the Texas Rolling Plains

Thursday, January 6, 2011: 3:15 PM
International 9 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Paul B. DeLaune , Texas AgriLife Research
John W. Sij , Texas AgriLife Research
S. Park , Texas AgriLife Research
D. Jones , Texas AgriLife Research
This paper will present data from a three year study conducted within the Texas Rolling Plains.  Four tillage treatments (conventional, reduced till, no-till, no-till with a cover crop) were imposed across five different subsurface drip irrigation levels (0, 33, 66, 100, and 133% ET replacement).  Within irrigation treatments, there were no significant differences in lint yield among tillage treatments.  However, there were significant differences in lint yield at varying irrigation levels. No significant differences were observed between 66% and 133% treatments, with 100% levels resulting in the highest yields.  In year 2, no-till with a cover crop irrigated based on 100% ET replacement was the most economical management practice.
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