11567 PHY 367 WRF, An Early Maturing, Root Knot Nematode Tolerant Variety From PhytoGen Cottonseed / Dow AgroSciences

Wednesday, January 5, 2011: 2:20 PM
Marquis Imperial A (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
S.W. Fuchs , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
J.C. Faircloth , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
S. M. Brown , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
A. Reed Parker , Dow AgroSciences
Chad Brewer , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
Mustafa McPherson , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
D.W. Canfield , Phytogen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
PHY 367 WRF is an early maturing, root knot nematode tolerant variety that was introduced in the U.S. in 2010.  Yield and fiber quality data from across the country will be reported.  Agronomic properties will also be discussed.