11081 Farmer Applied Site Specific Telone Applications in Arkansas

Tuesday, January 5, 2010: 4:15 PM
Galeries 4 & 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
Bruce Bond , Bond Farms
Bruce Bond and David Wildy have been managing southern root-knot nematode in cotton for the past four and five years using site-specific application technologies in a cost effective manner. Debbie Waters started this process in 2009. Each of them created management zones in their fields using the Veris 3100 soil EC machine, yields maps, bare ground imagery and NDVI aerial imagery. After creating their treatment zones, they created site-specific application maps and applied Telone using the GPS guided Trimble, Midtech Legacy or the John Deere GreenStar 2 computer-controller systems attached to the Chemical Containers, Inc. Premier Pressure Telone Applicator implement. By using this program, they have successfully reduced their Telone input cost by 30% to 40% without sacrificing yield.