11053 Site-Specific Nematicide Placement - A South Carolina Perspecitive

Tuesday, January 5, 2010: 3:00 PM
Galeries 4 & 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
Will Henderson , Clemson University
Ahmad Khalilian , Clemson University
John D. Mueller , Clemson University
Nematode distribution varies significantly throughout a field and is highly correlated to soil texture. Field-wide application results in nematicides being applied to areas without nematodes and the application of sub-effective levels in areas with high nematode densities.  Clemson University has developed a “Site- Specific Nematicide Placement” (SNP) system that is ready for commercial deployment and use by growers. The SNP system consist of  the following components: I) Generating management zones based on inexpensive geo-referenced field soil texture map using a soil electrical conductivity meter; II) The soil EC zones are then used to develop a nematode management map for each field based on targeted sampling for assay and quantification of nematode population densities; III) Geo-referenced nematicide application prescription maps are generated based on ground truthing nematode assays; and IV) Nematicides are applied to the field as appropriate for each management zone using GPS-guided equipment  for controlling the nematicide delivery.  The SNP technology can lead to substantial reductions in chemical use and subsequent adverse impacts on ground and surface water quality while increasing yields. Nematicides are applied only where damaging levels of nematodes occur.