11043 Study On the Cotton Recombing Process Based On Fiber Length Distribution by Weight

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 8:30 AM
Balcony K (New Orleans Marriott)
Qian Lin , College of Textiles, Donghua University
Chongwen Yu , College of Textiles, Donghua University
Recombing technique, as the name suggests, is combing for twice. It was firstly used in wool spinning to make the wool straight and parallel after top dying. Recombing the wool would achieve the assigned parameters, blend the fibers sufficiently, and bring additional profits. Such technique is also widely
applied in ramie spinning, because it can contribute to a high production rate and better yarn quality. Recently, the application of recombing technique in cotton spinning receives researchers’ attention. The noil percentage, the production rate and level of impurity transfer are the critical measures in assessing the efficiency of a comb. And the internal relations among them are obvious. The noil percentage
depends strongly upon the processing parameters and the fibre length distribution of the fiber being combed. Based on fiber length distribtuion by weight, we represented the relationship among the fiber lengths and processing parameters, and discussed the effect of separating gauge and feeding length on fiber length changes, production rate and the noil percentage by employing numerical simulation.