10945 In-Season Estimation of Lint Yield Potential Using Canopy Reflectance

Wednesday, January 6, 2010: 1:50 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon E (New Orleans Marriott)
Ernest L. Clawson , LSU AgCenter
Brenda Tubaņa , Louisiana State University
Donald Boquet , LSU AgCenter
Jasper Teboh , LSU AgCenter
Theophilus Udeigwe , LSU AgCenter
Cotton trials were established at three sites in north Louisiana in 2008 to evaluate the use of early to mid-season canopy reflectance to estimate cotton lint yield. Canopy reflectance readings were collected using a ground-based remote sensor from plots that received nitrogen fertilizer (30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 lbs N ac-1) at planting. Data collection was done at early square, early bloom, two- and four-weeks after early bloom.  Regression analysis of lint yield and sensor readings from each of these growth stages was performed to establish the optimal time of sensing and the predictive model for cotton lint yield potential.